BINGO is CANCELED for 1/20/2025

The VFW and the Auxiliary are proud to be very involved in the great community of Cloquet and putting on activities and events for all ages.

Memorial Day

A Memorial Day Service is held at the Cloquet Veterans Park pavilion. Please see our calendar of events for details each year.

Veteran’s Day

An annual Veteran’s Day program is held at the VFW Club every November 11th. Please see our calendar of events for details each year.

Community Involvement

VFW Post 3979 is a major sponsor to a lot of community projects and organizations. Over the years, well over $1 million was donated to the Park District for building Veteran’s Memorial Park, an all purpose facility which is open to the public year round.

Giving Back to the Community

Community Service is the best source of positive publicity the VFW has. By serving our communities we accomplish seven (7) goals:

  1. We live up to our VFW Constitution
  2. We provide valuable services to many areas of our community
  3. We benefit from a favorable impression of our organization by the community
  4. We attract new members
  5. We satisfy certain IRS requirements from which we benefit
  6. We build pride among our members
  7. It’s good for our health, people involved in Community Service are happier people and tend to live longer

We can’t conduct our programs without those members who generously contribute their time and talent; conversely if we don’t live up to the goals and objectives of our own constitution, we have little reason to exist as an organization. However, the burden of Community Service programs has fallen on the shoulders of the same individuals year after year. I am asking each of you dedicated members who carry the programs to set one additional objective for this year; and that goal is to involve someone NEW in your programs. You will benefit personally by having someone to share the load and you may make a new FRIEND. The VFW benefits by having new and innovative ideas and renewed vitality. The following are examples of different activities that you can report as Community Service. This is not an all inclusive list and as you can see, there are many opportunities for volunteering in your community.